April 10 - Performances
Ok, I'm lovin' gettin' to look at j-lo for an hour.
Well, I hate the hair and the song choice is way too old! This is an opportunity to be contempo and she still hasn't pulled off that aspect. And the rouge is too much. I'm disappointed with everything but the vocals. I'm bored! NEXT!
Thank God! for Simon ... He's the only one who is honest. It's amazing and scary how often he and I agree!
"Do the conga" ... this already looses me on song choice. But at least she is doing something contemporary and trying to get past her body issues. But the performance is horrible for her. She can't pull off the proper intonations so it sounds like a wedding singer.
Sometimes I think that Randy is in another world sometimes.
I can't believe Paula went there ... BRAVO!!!!
Great song choice. I love Santana ... but I can't really like Chris at anything. He's behind a mic on this song which is a mistake as far as I'm concerned. He should be playin' the crowd. But I think the ending vocals were dead on and very good. I hate to say it but he was better than the chicks.
No issues w/ the judges
Awesome song ... "Turn the beat around!" ... I LOVE IT!
Weird remix ... Great legs as usual. :) ... but she is doing it a little. and she can't enunciate loud enough the fast lyrics. Too much background singer in there. But I think her energy was the best so far.
I think Simon is harshin' too much. But he is accurate. She should have been gone a long time ago.
Great song again ... can't go wrong w/ Santana.
What is it w/ the sitting thing! No one is going to win this thing by playing it center stage, unless you pull a Celine, which none of them can do.
Wow! he is torturing me with this song. I think he is really blowing these vocals. He's emphasizing is just not really workin' for me.
I think Randy and I are in sync on this one. Simon is also very true to it. Paula was off this time.
A great song choice ..
Great outfit. It's teh best she's looked, but the performance is slow and held back. The vocals have moments of greatness, but the overall performance has moments of boredom. It's too up and down; the pacing is off and the emotion is lacking. I love Jordin, but this one didn't do it for me.
I think Randy is off again ... too enthusiastic. It was good, but not GREAT!
Paula is paula ... shitty.
Simon is nailing it as far as I'm concerned all night.
I'm sorta speechless. He leads me in at the beginning and then I'm lost like the others. I think the problem is that this group of singers lacks ritmo latino. They don't know how to bring passion into these songs. ... I'm sorry, I'm not likin' it.
Why is Randy so easy on these people?
Paula is being Paula
Simon is right it is the "best" performance so far, but that just explains how bad all of them have been.
Besame mucho ... wow! ... He is Sanjaya
What's w/ the fu man chu? yikes! he cna't pull it off at all. But it does bring out his eyes.
His vocals are on, but they don't project. But his passion is in there, which you can't say about the others, not nearly as much.
Simon ... he is sooo funny!
My thoughts on the night
If it was just about tonight, I'd vote off the super stars for huge disappointments. I'm sorry they let me down--Melinda and Lakisha. I just have very high expectations.
But in total I think my bottom 3 are:
Haley - She's gotta go
I actually think Sanjaya will not be in the bottom 3 b/c of his detractors voting for him, but also b/c I think he won some people over. Maybe that might work against him.
Maybe for the bottom 3 is Chris.
Please! will someone knock out Haley or Phil!
Well, see ya tomorrow!
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