Idol Critic 2007

After watching through to the top 10, I just can't keep my thoughts to just my wife any longer. The rest of you now have to see my opinions shine in living blog! I think that sometimes, they miss the point of being an Idol. Well, let's see if I know America better than the judges do.

Saturday, March 31

New York Times looks at Stern's game with Sanjaya

Howard Stern is committed to ruining American Idol says a recent NY Times article about the "success" of Sanjaya and the site

While I understand Stern's motives, as it is his way to make fun of anything and everything, this is a new type of disrespectful. There are throngs of people who obviously enjoy this show and who are keen viewers looking to see who will be the next star. Why disrespect them?

I used to think AI was a joke, and in some ways, it is pop fantasy, but it is also pretty good stuff.

Anyway, I would never tell Howard not to do something as it usually just spurs him on more, but I'm just disappointed that he has never really figured it out. oh well!


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